Another year, another day of madness. That has most likely been said before but oh well. ANOTHER YEAR! ANOTHER ONE THE COMMUNITY HAS SURVIVED! And a helluva year to survive as well with the world shoving a thumb up its metaphorical arse. We did it, boys and girls, were still here and were still celebrating Madness. This year sadly I don't have a big art project or long animation TO celebrate madness with (not like any of mine would be good >->) BUT FEAR NOT! I have spent hours working on this other project, one I hoped to be the end to this series of files but evidentially will not. Custom Gun Sprites 5, featuring 125 weapons and 332 sprites! I doubt these will be in use for years to come but who knows, maybe going back to something i think is like the old Madness style might help :shrug:. Anyway here's the file:
ShootDaCheese's Custom Gun Sprites 5
(I just now learned to make the URL text rather than just the URL, nice.)
Also would you believe it, I'm slightly older than Madness, that means that I've practically grown up alongside madness :vvvvv
In other news I'm looking into going into military service, specifically into the naval branch of the US Military like my dad. I haven't gone to a recruiter yet but that's one of the up and coming plans. In the meantime ill still be here watching toons, playing games with friends, making sprites in flash (8), coming up with ideas and not working on them because of laziness, etc. Have a good Madness Day 2020.
(I mean, hopefully its a good day...)
(Also also, my part for the NG border is the one above the bottom left :v)